The BioMed Alliance has been awarded the EXHALE operating grant (BioMed Alliance EXpertise in Health Across Legislation at EU level) for 2024 under the EU4Health programme (grant agreement no 101176496). This grant aims to further strengthen the representation of medical societies, healthcare professionals, and researchers in the EU health field.

The EXHALE grant will enable the Alliance to enhance the expertise and knowledge of the medical and research communities on the regulatory system and policy developments in the health field, and how these impact their work. The focus will be on EU4Health priorities including the Medical Devices Regulation, In Vitro Diagnostics Regulation, the European Health Data Space, Health Technology Files, and the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response authority.

Over the coming months the BioMed Alliance will work with its Committees and Task Forces to build on the proposed activities, strengthen its representation at EU level and build skills in the regulatory field. We will organise a series of workshops and share materials, and more information will follow soon.