The European Commission published its proposal for funding research and innovation through the Horizon Europe program from 2021 to 2027. We are concerned that health research cluster lacks the funding to meet its goals. From H2020’s lessons, the proposed budget of €7.7 billion for health research is inadequate to ensure the European Commission’s objectives, and researchers will have to face the same issues such as oversubscription and lower success rates. It is critical that a higher percentage of the research budget is dedicated to health research in order to address the various societal challenges and the expectations of EU citizens are all met.

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We advocate that 25 to 30 per cent of the Horizon Europe budget should be dedicated to biomedical and health-related research. This would ensure a coherent and competitive research landscape, capable of generating benefits for individuals and economies. The Commission’s own assessment found that Horizon 2020 lacked the funding to meet its goals. This underfunding has proved a challenge for policymakers and researchers, with low success rates for applicants making it more difficult to attract high-quality proposals.  

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The BioMed Alliance would like to express its strong support for the ERNs and laud the European Commission for its crucial, indispensable role in establishing them. We are convinced of the great potential of these networks, not just for diagnosis and treatment but also for research. We therefore call upon the European Commission to ensure the success and continuity of the ERNs by making available solid and long-term funding.

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The BioMed Alliance welcomes the European Commission's proposed budget for the next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (Horizon Europe). We would like to take this opportunity to express our full support for an ambitious Horizon Europe, and to thank you for your commitment to promoting research as a main priority in the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) budget. A strong Horizon Europe will continue the track record of Horizon 2020, and will foster scientific excellence in Europe.

The BioMed Alliance, while acknowledging the multiple societal challenges that Horizon Europe has to address, is convinced that in terms of value for money, health research should be a top funding priority considering its significance for the wellbeing of EU citizens and as a driver of economic growth

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The BioMed Alliance welcomes the European Commission’s proposed budget for the next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (Horizon Europe) within the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). A budget of 100 billion euro for Horizon Europe represents an increase of almost 30 per cent, and it is essential to provide effective solutions to societal challenges and foster scientific excellence in Europe.
The BioMed Alliance calls on the European Commission, European Parliament, and the Council of the EU to secure a robust budget for health research under Horizon Europe. 25-30% of the Horizon Europe budget dedicated to biomedical and health-related research will ensure a coherent, competitive European research landscape, and it will generate societal benefits and long term positive economic impact.

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Better funded and better organised research programmes are an urgent priority for the health of us all.

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Although the benefits of EU-funded health research are easy to see, such funding does not reflect the high return on investment that it provides. It will need to be substantially increased before it can do so.

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The subject is too important for everyone – patients, the public, and the economy – to suffer from the effect of fragmented messages.

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The European Calcified Tissue Society (ECTS) is a non-for profit organisation in Europe for researchers and clinicians working in the field of calcified tissues and related fields. Our mission is to promote excellence in research into the field of calcified tissues within Europe and beyond, and to ensure the findings are disseminated to enable benefit to patients with metabolic bone disease.  ECTS represents more than 600 members at all stages of career and has a network of over 30 national and international societies.  More information at

ECTS expertise and fully support will help BioMed Alliance to provide recommendations for policy and decision makers on facilitating and mproving biomedical research in Europe.  

You are invited  attend the event: ‘Maximise the value and the impact of health research in Europe’ organised by the BioMed Alliance and chaired by Paul Rübig, MEP & 1st Vice-Chair STOA, to be held at Square de Meeûs, 29, Brussels, on Wednesday April 25 from 10h30 – 12h30.

High level speakers include Annika Nowak, member of the cabinet of Commissioner Andriukaitis, Line Matthiessen, Acting Director, Health Directorate, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation and Karin Sipido, Chair, Scientific Panel for Health, European Commission. Discussions will focus on the upcoming Framework Programme 9, and will highlight the impact and societal value of health research. Speakers from across different biomedical sectors will address policies issues such as EU funding, EU research projects and collaborations, synergies between national and EU research programmes and long term vision and strategies.

For additional information and registration please contact Loredana Simulescu, BioMed Alliance policy officer. Tel: 32 (0) 22741073, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Read the interview with Prof. Axel Pries – President of the BioMed Alliance and Prof. Gunhild Waldemar – member of the BioMed Alliance Board of Directors. Read the article here.

BioMed Alliance Member Organisations elected him at the General Assembly on 8 November 2017  for a two-year period.

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BioMed Alliance Board of Director Ulrich Jaeger argues that EU funding is crucial in allowing medical researchers across member states to collaborate in the development of new treatments. In Framework Programme 9, processes must be optimised and the budget boosted - to deliver for patients and the economy.  Read the article here

Experts discuss the FEAM-BioMed Alliance Paper in Open Access Government. The FEAM-BioMed Alliance Paper outlines how the next EU Framework Programme can further support biomedical research in Europe. Read the article here.

The European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation (ECCO), founded in 2001 to improve the care of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in Europe, is now the largest forum for specialists in IBD in the world. It is a non-profit association, which successfully expanded from an organisation comprising 14 Country Members to an association assembling 36 member states of the Council of Europe and facilitating collaborations beyond Europe's borders. You can find more info here:

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