16 September 2021

Join us to discuss health research at high level health events in the coming months!

The BioMed Alliance has been contributing to several high level events to facilitate discussions on research and innovation with leading opinion makers. On 28 August, President Wilfried Ellmeier led a session at the European Forum Alpbach focussing on ‘Financing Research and Innovation in a European Health Union – NO CURE FOR LIFE’. In the coming weeks, we will also contribute to a session at the European Health Forum Gastein and organise a session at the world health summit.

European Health Forum Gastein

BioMed Alliance President-Elect Gunhild Waldemar will feature in the session ‘the Heartbeat of Health Innovation’ organised by EIT Health on 28 September at 11.00 during the European Health Forum Gastein. The session will focus on how networks & collective action can help us cope with crises and lead the way to a more resilient future.

More information is available here.

World Health Summit

On 24 October from 11.00-12.30 CET the BioMed Alliance is organising a session entitled ‘Europe: Follower or Leader in Health Research and Innovation?’ with prominent speakers. The session moderated by our president Wilfried Ellmeier features  Dr. Özlem Türeci (BioNTech Chief Medical Officer), Prof. Karin Sipido (KU Leuven), Jan Geissler (Patvocates) and more to be announced soon. The focus of the discussion will be on how EU research can remain competitive and how EU health research initiatives can help work towards reaching important health objectives.

More information is available here.